Baker's Partial Dozen

Baker's Partial Dozen

Sunday, September 9, 2012

So Jayna is now 3 1/2 weeks old... soon to be one month... Aaaaaahhhh! I see her growing before my very eyes... Something you hear people say all the time, but it doesn't become real until you experience it! Her eyes are starting to get blue, which may change, but they seem to be bluer every time she opens them! She also has ridiculously advanced coordination and strength (according to her Dr... that's not just me talking). Just one week into her life, she grabbed one of the bars to her cradle, pulled herself over to it and started sucking on it... Now that's determination! She also holds her own pacifier in and has held her own bottle in on a number of occasions. Her Dr has warned me that she will probably crawl and walk early on... I'm hoping not... I'm hoping this coordination will help her to be a fabulous piano player ;) I am learning that Jayna likes to have things done her way... she's stubborn, determined, and likes to be in control, but she's also a total sweetheart! Sounds a lot like her mommy (except the sweetheart part, she gets that from Scott). I've warned Scott of what he may have to put up with given these attributes.

Last Sunday my mom and I tried to get some pictures that showed how tiny she actual was.

Please ignore how nastily dirty my oven mitt is... Don't worry, after seeing this picture the oven mitts are in the wash!

Even after seeing these pictures now (a week later), I realize how much she's grown this past week!
Jayna also makes so many faces that make me laugh so hard... poor girl is going to get a complex with how much I just sit and laugh at her!

This is the face she makes every time she's grossed out. When I was trying to breast feed, I made her sick one time and after that, she'd make this face almost every time I'd try to get her to latch on. At one point, she took both hands and pushed me away from her. Haha!
This is her stubborn face... "Nope! Not going to do it!"
                                      This is her cute little "o" face... Makes me laugh and laugh!
 This is her cuddly little I'm-too-cute-for-words face. I can't kiss those cute little cheeks enough!!!
And finally, this is her I'm-wide-awake-and-in-a-complete-daze look. (Wish my camera could pick up the blue in her eyes!)


  1. Her cheeks are looking chubby in that las picture, hooray! She is so so cute, we can't wait to meet her. By the way, my oven mitts are just as nasty. :)

    1. Haha! Thanks! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one... It just means we cook a lot. Clean oven mitts can only mean the person doesn't use them, right?
