Baker's Partial Dozen

Baker's Partial Dozen

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pure Bliss?

Ahhhhhhhhh! (Imagine that done in my most obnoxious, happy opera voice!)  I don't know what happened, other than I prayed really hard last night (due to my rotten attitude yesterday), but my wonderful, adorable, sweet baby girl actually slept for 3 hours at a time last night. She has NEVER done that... Maximum, 2 hours at a time, and that's on a good night. Not only did she sleep for 3-hour intervals, but she ate and went down within 30 minutes every time but once... and that one time was only 45 minutes!  Can I just say, I felt like a new woman today?!

Not only did she have a good night, but she was only fussy/screaming twice today. The first time was when I put her in her car seat to go to the store, but she calmed down after about 10 minutes, and sadly, the second time was for a full 1/2 hour... the only 1/2 hour I had to teach today... bad timing!

What was amazing about today, is Jayna somewhat uncovered what could have been bothering her for the past week or so... She pooped (count them) 7 times today (of coarse, all of them while daddy was at work)!  I had no idea she could have had that much in her system. While she doesn't poop as regularly as she should, she has been pooping about every day and a half or so.

So there you have it! I had to change a lot of poopy diapers, but I was totally okay with that because I got to sleep :)

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